Thursday, December 5, 2013

Women Also Fart!!

It is absolutely normal for individuals to fart or burp. The release of gas through the anus or the mouth is part of the human nature. However, our society has managed to set the norm that woman are in a way different than man. In the recent commercial called “Why Girls Don’t fart” we can see how woman are expected to not fart.
The commercial reflect the idea that our society has made us believe that even thought women and men have the same body systems we are very different. Aside from giving men more respect and dominance they have other advantages such as farting and it seen perfectly normal. Yet, when a woman emits a gas it’s instantly viewed wrong.  This commercial emphasizes the custom that our society has of making women look without flaws if they want to be the ideal social woman.
The idea that women do not FART is extremely DUMB because they are human beings and same as men they have to release gases. The commercial only shows how women in front of men are scared to even burp because it is going to ruin their reputation or the way they are seen.
 It is embarrassing that in the 21st century our society has this mentality. By now both women and men should be treated the same. If a woman wants to burp she should not have to be scared to be seen by men. There is no need to go fart secretively as the video shows. It is time that our society stops making women feel that they are not the same creatures as man.

So Next Time that you feel like releasing a gas remember it is something natural!

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