Friday, October 25, 2013

Introducing, the new Ipad Air.

    Apple has done it again! This weekend Apple has unveiled its new product, the IPad Air. Unlike its predecessors, the IPad, IPad 2, and IPad mini, the new Ipad Air features a one pound, 9.7 retina display, a new A7 chip and much more. While all of these new features sound great, one can wonder just how much of a difference these new features make, and just how many people will actually notice. Apple seems to be using the weight of their product to draw consumers in; seeing that everything they produce is getting thinner. Apple consumers buy a new product every time Apple creates one, just for the sake of being up to date with the trend. How many of these consumers know what an A7 chip is, and what it does? The answer is probably way smaller than the amount of people who will purchase the new IPad Air. The new IPad Air starts at 199 dollars and goes into stores on November 1st, and if you are planning on purchasing it,  do yourself a favor and research just how "new and improved" the actual product is.

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