Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sexy Halloween Costumes

Halloween is less than a week away, so I've been searching the internet for good costume ideas. I noticed that, as usual, almost every Halloween costume advertised as being for teen girls is sexy, even if the person, animal, or object that the costume is based on isn't. I don't have a problem with there being revealing Halloween costumes available for sale. However, the lack of good non-sexy store-bought costume options for teen girls troubles me. It's as if the designers of the costumes think that teenage girls should just be objects to be drooled over and fantasized about. In my opinion, that's creepy. The costumes categorized on Party City's website as being for teen boys include the Jokera zombie, and a skeleton. Boys aren't expected to try to be sexy for people, so it's not fair that girls are.

Also, some of the costumes just don't make sense. As seen in this clip from The Daily Show, you can buy a sexy carrot costume. You can buy a sexy  guitar costume. You can buy a sexy pizza costume. What is sexy about a piece of pizza?!

However, since so many sexy Halloween costumes exist, they are obviously very popular with women. The reason for their popularity may be that Halloween is one of the rare occasions when women can wear revealing outfits without being insulted. I bought a pretty revealing costume a few years ago because I didn't usually have the opportunity to dress in a more adult, sexy way. If I had dressed like that at school, people might have called me a slut, but on Halloween, revealing costumes are the norm. Perhaps if women weren't shamed for what they might choose to wear on most days, we wouldn't feel like we had to use Halloween as an opportunity to wear fun, sexy outfits without being ridiculed, and non-sexy costumes would be more popular and therefore easier to find in stores.

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