Sunday, September 22, 2013

AT&T Better Commercial -2013

While watching videos on YouTube I came across the new AT&T commercial, apparently their new method of advertisement is using children.

The idea that children portray happiness and truthfulness is one of the main reasons I order to charm the viewers. In this particular commercial I find very interesting how AT&T uses children from different races to target a larger audience. However, in order to create humor AT&T uses the Latino children as the clown of the commercial.
Personally I feel offended by the commercial because I feel that they are making fun of the Latino community. The fact that the Latino children mispronounce the word and its corrected by the white kid instead of the other children can be interpreted as superiority. What really bothers me is that there is no real relationship between the children “joke” and the fact that AT&T is advertising their product.
If AT&T is going to use children’s they should be more cautious on what they are saying and how it affects other races.

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