Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Calorie Counting

Calorie Counting

At lunch, my friend asked me “how much soup do you think I just ate?” while on her iPhone. I answered with confusion: “1 bowl?” and she said “no, that’s not a measurement, like how many cups?”

I then realized that she was counting her calories. I asked her why and that’s when she answered, “Because I’m fat”

As I am eating my milk chocolate m&m’s –reads nutrition label- and just consumed about 150 calories…

I’ve heard of this “calorie-counting app” before but I’ve never actually thought about the concept and why there is such a thing. I understand that people want to lose weight to look not “fat” but this is somewhat of an extreme don’t you think? Limiting the amount of calories we consume in a day.

We naturally know when we’re hungry or full or neither. Our bodies tell us when to eat and when to stop. The choices we make in foods differ from one another and that’s on us. I agree to eating healthy but not eating with limits. The amount of calories you consume a day shouldn’t matter as much as your health--having a balanced diet and exercising. Calorie counting is just a set limitation on how to live [eat] your life. Eating is a marvelous thing to do and we shouldn’t feel guilty for consuming more than a set limit of 1,200 calories. Calorie counting sucks. AND it’s a waste of time. AND requires use of brain activity to think about how many cups/servings you’ve eaten! So save your brain cells, save a minute every meal and eat up.

Brittany, who is a calorie counter read a blog on dietdoctor.com, agreed. These are parts of her opinion on the matter.

“Counting calories is so artificial and so far removed from the direction I was trying to take my life. I stopped at the beginning of this month and I enjoy my food more. I feel less neurotic about tracking macronutrient ratios (just keeping my carbohydrate intake in check, which comes naturally now) and don’t feel pressured to eat more/less to hit my “calorie goal”. We’ve got built in calorie counters! We just have to tune into our natural way of eating and things will right themselves.”

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