For a few moments during the new Cher Lloyd music video, I wasn't sure if I was watching a pop star or a phone advertisement (around 1:45). Product placement has become more prevalent with the new internet culture, and even simple things like music videos can also double as a place to sell products. It used to be humorous to find the product placement in movies. Most shots of popular brands end up looking awkward and out of place. But now it's so common that the viewer isn't even sure that they're being sold something. Often times, the use of this technique is effective in selling a lifestyle. Cher's use of the Sony phone is very obvious, but there's no doubt that if you have that phone it's possible to be a beautiful woman in the club as well. Subtlety is not a factor when trying to squeeze in a clear shot of a product, they want to show off as much as possible.
Is all this sneaking advertising the ultimate evil? I say no. I'd happily sit through a few seconds of Scarlett Johansson drinking out of a Coke can if that means my ticket price stays the same. It's understandable that my favorite band posts pictures on Instagram using their brand new Canon camera. In fact, product placement benefits me by keeping prices on media lower than it could be. I find product placement to be comical and harmless: while it does routinely take away from artistic integrity, it also gives the creators of the media everyone depends on much more freedom.
Hahahah interesting. I never thought of this