Thursday, September 19, 2013

Au Revoir, Honey Boo Boo and Friends


Ever since the show “Toddlers and Tiaras” aired on MTV I was exposed to the life of flippers, extravagant costumes, and the sexualization of young children. The idea that children from six-months to young adulthood can enter pageants to show off their ability to walk, look pretty, and show a talent puts me off to extend that I want to keep watching (like when you’re watching a gross scene of a movie, but you still want to keep watching).

I understand the fun of dressing up and putting makeup to look and feel beautiful, but at what age should the image that your portray to society actually matter? The image of small children wearing flippers to give the illusion that they don’t have any baby teeth and mature six years and further emphasizes the martial based live.

After reading the Huffington Post that France has banned pageants for children, I felt a sense of relief, but at the same time I felt of sadness. Yes, I do feel that we should not promote the material and sexualized life of six-year-old children; however, what about the people that actually watch the show?

I know my brother gets a kick out of watching “Toddlers and Tiaras” just to see these crazy families spend massive amount of money on their children to walk across a stage. This type of entertainment creates revenue because it is like a gross scene that you can’t look away from; I find that lives of pageantry so fascinating even though I know it’s inappropriate to promote children that way.

The ban on child in pageants are recognizing the play of gender equality and women’s rights and through this ban, France is creating laws to protect these right for models in France. Like the author of the article wonders, I question if this will this start a new trend on banning in the US? All I know is if “Toddlers and Tiaras” come to an end it will be a bittersweet ending.

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