Suddenly, Bill Hader, a famous comedian from the hit show Saturday Night Live, is shown. Laughter arises from the relief of finding out that this home was not the scene of a vicious crime. Smiles come about as well from the man's predicament and facial expression. Instead of getting a new phone, he allows his fingertips to be cut in order to answer his cell phone. He says, "Mhhmmm, hello?!" through searing pain and gritted teeth.
This commercial for T-Mobile's new 'Jump' program is successful. It uses a celebrity to make the ad memorable. It also uses the technique of an exaggerated example of why the upgrade program for cell phones is important. Moreover, these thirty seconds make you laugh. My friends and I were watching TV and this commercial came on. Two girls asked people to be quiet so they could hear Bill Hader's lines.
It is surprising that people find pain and violence in media amusing. Being able to watch aggressive sports and violent TV shows is the highlight of some people's week. In some ways, I am disappointed that this has become socially acceptable.
Think about the kind of violence you view in the media every day. Should there be regulations on it? Or is that against the freedom of speech?
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