Sunday, November 10, 2013

Smart Google

Smart Google

“I’m feeling lucky” is a new app on google. When you move your mouse to the button, the app will randomly choose a feeling for you such as “I’m feeling hungry” or “I’m feeling puzzle”, once people press the button, people will be led to a new page with all the information about food or problem solving websites from Google.  

I'm feeling trendy

I'm feeling hungry

       I find this small app really interesting is that Google is so clever in advertising. People use internet basically for two aims. One is that they know what they are searching for and go to Google to search it,  and another is that they wander around to see what’s interesting. Every month, there are about two billion people who go to the home page of Google, and they will definitely see the new button next to the “search” button and click it. The app on the home page of Google gets people's attentions immediately, thus brings customers to Google. Also Google does an excellent job in categorizing its products according to their function and related emotion. So when people choose “How do they feel”, there are bunch of products and links packed up already for instant use. In this way, Google win more customers for its products compared to other search engines which grab all the information within no order. What's more important is that customers get the idea that "Google understands me so well". Then, who would refuse an considerate search engine?

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