I think this is more of a reflection of what I have been with the word "Funny". What is funny?
I remember that when I was five, watching Barney was funny.
When I have seven, watching Spongebob.
When I have 11, watching American Idol.
When I was 13, seeing boys go through puberty was funny.
When I was 15, going high school dances with my friends was funny.
When I was 17, watching YouTube videos was pretty fun.
Now, watching some of the seniors walk up stairs when they are drunk in Thursdays is funny.
The word "funny" has changed a lot. I have found different activies that I consider funny.
I reason why I question what the word funny means to me is because I read an article that said, "Miley Cyrus Smoked Pot at EMA's Because She Thought It was Funny".
For some reason I find no humor in this..none. She went up on stage in front of hundereds of people and smoked a joint in front of them.
Sorry Miley, I don't find this funny. I find this sad and I think I would definitely not want my child watching a celebrity smoke a joint like it's no big deal.
Yeah Pot is becoming legal in some parts of the country but I personally am against it. Yeah there is the debate that "its healthy for you" but I don't believe in that. I just do not like the lifestyle that comes with it. I think people could be doing much more positive things than to just spend money on smoking something that isn't gonna do anything good for them.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/16/miley-cyrus-emas-pot-smoking-funny_n_4288087.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
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